3D laser Scanning provides the ability to accurately analyse forest dynamics, enabling companies and NGO’s to be able to collect meaningful, scientifically, which can be compared over time. So, whether you are looking to increase the productivity and efficiency of a commercial forestry operation, or calculate biomass levels for an environmental study – laser scanning can help provide the most accurate data in one of the most complex of environments.

‘Precision Forestry’ is defined by the use of intelligent, information based forestry systems which use tools and technology to make data-driven decisions based on accurate data collected in a range of ways. These automated technologies measure, process and analyse multi-source data which can then be used for more efficient management of operations including reducing waste and improving profitability.

3D laser scanning are one of the most advanced tools available for forest mapping, thanks to their ability to collect accurate measurements through dense vegetation. This can provide critical operational intelligence such as forest inventory calculations, diameter at breast height (DBH) figures and even detection of changes in both the canopy and wider physical landscape.

Geodetic Survey

  • Applications


Planning of cultivation areas

  • Benefits

Measurement and planning of agricultural areas withouth manual methods need.

Low cost, quick completion time.

Help to obtain an overview, from which to analyze the monitoring and care of the crop on time.

Identification of tree lowgroving areas, bad soil, pests and diseases.

Irrigation, Forestry and Agriculture Planning

  • Applications

Exploitation area planning

Irrigation system design (dam, irrigation)

  • Benefits

Quick modeling and building of irrigation systems for agriculture and forestry where conventional methods take a very long time to implement.

Determination of forest area and status of forest exploitation